Trans Mountain tree cutting can resume as stop-work order on pipeline route lifts

This article by the Canadian Press was published on June 22, 2021.

A federal regulator has lifted a stop-work order on tree cutting and grass mowing along the route of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project through Alberta and B.C.

The Canada Energy Regulator says in a statement Trans Mountain has submitted a plan to correct deficiencies in the oversight of its contractors that could pose threats to nesting birds.

The regulator, which enforces safety and environmental guidelines for pipeline projects, issued a stop-work order on June 3 following investigations of tree-clearing work in suburban Vancouver area that could have impacted nesting birds.

The regulator says Trans Mountain’s plans now include improving field procedures to protect nesting birds and increasing direct supervision of its contractors.

Trans Mountain says in a statement the plan it filed to the regulator includes implementing enhanced communication, supervision and training measures before restarting pipeline clearing work.

The $12.6-billion expansion project will triple existing pipeline capacity to about 890,000 barrels per day of oil products, including diluted bitumen, lighter crude and refined fuel.

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